The Moola Masters Blog

Empower yourself with knowledge.Ā 

Smart Money Moves: Financial Education for Women Guide Mar 04, 2024

In an ideal world, financial literacy wouldn't be a gendered issue. Yet, women face challenges in...

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Exploring Paths to Financial Independence: Understanding FIRE and Its Variants Feb 27, 2024


 Have you ever considered the possibility of leaving the traditional work-life behind...

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How Much of Your Income Should You Save Each Month: A Guide Feb 08, 2024

As a 30-40-year-old college graduate interested in building your financial knowledge and wealth,...

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The Best Money Moves Feb 06, 2024

 The Best Money Moves: Boost Your Cash and Income



Whatever your income,...

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How Much Money Is Necessary to Retire? Your Savings Guide Feb 01, 2024

Are you a college graduate in your 30s or 40s looking to build your financial knowledge and...

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The Art of Money: Negotiate for a Better Wallet Jan 30, 2024


Negotiating might sound like a lot, but guess what? It can help your wallet.  Let's...

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Finance for Couples Jan 22, 2024

Finances: A Guide for Couples

Money matters can be a delicate subject. Money is, after all,...

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Is it Time for a Last Minute IRA Contribution? Jan 16, 2024

Last Minute Advice for IRA Contributions

I imagine we all know that tax law and retirement...

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It's 2024. Here are the Top Financial Tips for the New Year! Jan 01, 2024
The January 2024 Moola Masters Blog is here:
It's 2024. Here are the Top Financial...
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Smart Money Moves: Your 2024 Financial Resolutions Playbook Dec 01, 2023


The PlayBook

 The new year is almost here and now is the time to think about our...

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What is a Good Credit Score? Nov 01, 2023

The Mystery of the Credit Score... am I right?

What is a good credit score? Who decides what...

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The One Thing You Have to Do For Your Budget Oct 01, 2023

(Your Mojo Number!)


Budgeting is like the backbone of your financial well-being. It's that...

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Life Insurance Policies Demystified Sep 01, 2023


We had a lot of response to our August newsletter on the different types of life...

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The Perils of Flying Blind: What Happens When You Don't Have a Financial Plan Jul 30, 2023


In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to overlook the importance of creating a...

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The Seven Biggest Money Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Jul 01, 2023

Managing money effectively is a skill that can significantly impact our lives. Unfortunately,...

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