The Moola Masters Blog

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Unraveling the Mystery: How Much Money Is Necessary to Retire Comfortably Jul 09, 2024

Ah, the golden years of retirement! It’s a phase many of us eagerly anticipate, yet the...

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How Much of Your Income Should You Save Each Month: A Guide Feb 08, 2024

As a 30-40-year-old college graduate interested in building your financial knowledge and wealth,...

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Retirement Accounts and Taxes May 01, 2023
Retirement accounts are an important part of everyone's financial plan. A lot of...
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Financial Planning for Retirement: I have a retirement account! How do I invest it? Sep 16, 2022

Hi All!

So you are all set up with your retirement accounts! What's next?

As you know, companies...

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Financial Planning for Retirement: The business owner version Sep 09, 2022

Hi All!

Today is all about retirement account options for those of you who own your own business...

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Financial Planning for Retirement: Traditional vs Roth IRAs Sep 02, 2022

Hi All!

Today is all about the pros and cons of Traditional vs Roth IRAs.

First off: The max...

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Financial Planning for Retirement: Roth vs Traditional 401K Aug 26, 2022

Hi All!

Let's talk about Roth vs Traditional 401k!

The number of companies offering their...

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Financial Planning for Retirement: Employer Contributions to your 401K Aug 19, 2022

Hi All!


Let's talk about employer contributions to our 401K, 403B or TSP accounts.

I'm not...

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Financial Planning for Retirement: What else about the 401K? Aug 12, 2022

Hi All!

Let's go over some more 401K stuff.


Traditional 401K plan is pre tax. What does...

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Financial Planning for Retirement: 401k! Aug 05, 2022

Hi All!

Heidi here and we are going to be answering questions!

Our first question was "What is...

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